McDonald's stiffing graffiti artists

My mouth dropped when I read the cover page of the Thursday, October 13th, 2016 edition of the Wall Street Journal. Yes, I read it from time to time, to keep up with the financial reports of the world. Journalist Jacob Gershman @jacobgershman reported something I have been complaining about for years to my fellow graffiti artists, here in Chicago.

McDonald's Corp. is using graffiti art graphics to spruce up their interior walls, but they are using actual art from walls and not caring about the artist or his/her value for that work. It does have a value, and that value is spread to all other graffiti artists and not to corporations, that is called, work for hire. Shame on you McDonald's and all other greedy companies that care less for art values and worth. We are worth a lot than corporate greed. Our art on walls is meant for other artists who sweat, spill blood and face dangerous obstacles to get that art on walls. And now we have McDumbasses taking it from us and making it worthless as background noise to their interior fast food joints.

Thank you Mr. Gershman (TAGS) for exposing McDonald's and interviewing artists and their families and getting their perspective on this issue.

I am a graffiti artist from Chicago and I had tselone protected by the good people at Lawyers for the Creative Arts (LAW) and I felt that I needed to do this to keep the greedy corporate sharks at bay.
I wish all the artists painting on walls good luck and protect yo shit!


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